According to quantum physics, how we think and feel influences matter. Our thoughts and beliefs, whether we are consciously aware of them or not (and herein lies the problem), have a vibrational frequency and the infinite quantum field responds to this frequency. The average person thinks thousands of thoughts per day and many of them are old, redundant, or even toxic thoughts that have been hanging around in our energy system for years and years, polluting our mind, body and life.
What sort of field are you generating?
Sessions can be done in person, or online through Skype or Zoom. A session usually lasts 90 minutes. If you would like to speak to me beforehand, or find out more, I offer a free 20-minute call on Skype, Zoom, or FaceTime. If you are planning to book some sessions, book a free call anyway so we can have a chat and outline the issue that you would like to work on.
My Group Tapping Workshops are 3-7-week online group programs which take place live on Zoom. Go here for more information.
1-1 Sessions
At the bottom of this page.
Advantages of online sessions
There are several advantages of doing an EFT session online:
Sessions can take place regardless of your location in the world.
There can be more flexibility in choice of the time of day of the session.
There is no need to leave the comfort of your home. This can be especially useful if you have a full-time job/little free time/young children.
All you need is:
A fast internet connection
A microphone and speakers (The earphones with built-in microphone that you use with your mobile phone is usually compatible with a computer)
A webcam (Most laptops and tablets come with a built-in webcam.)
If you haven't already got Skype, or Zoom, here are the links to download it. They are easy and straightforward to set up.
How many sessions do you need?
This is a question I often get asked, but one which isn't easy to answer as it really depends on the person and the problem. Some issues are more deep-rooted than others and some may have many aspects that need to be addressed. Generally speaking I advise at least five sessions for one problem. Deep trauma, depression and anxiety may need many more.
Translated from Italian: "Hi Nicki, I would like to thank you for the work done, you were very good at involving me and making me feel at ease in this path with EFT. Honestly, I started off biased, because over the last 20 years I had tried everything but without any benefit and I thought it was yet another useless attempt. However, after the first meeting I rediscovered a serenity that I had not felt for years, more active and less reticent about doing things. I thought it was just my feeling but even my family has noticed the change. After our second meeting, even that little feeling of anxiety that followed me has become almost a memory and after a week I feel really good. I really don't know how to thank you, I feel new. If I had known about these techniques before, I would not have wasted years living with the company of anxiety ready to rule over me at any moment." - Alessandro, Italy
I am Aneta, Slovenian, living in Iceland. My self-discovery and self-work started a long time ago but I always somehow struggled with it. So one day I found this amazing web page where I met Nicki, her work and her mission. I was amazed about her types of work. A real inspiration for me. I love the EFT technique and I love plant-based food. So I decided to give it a try. I booked a free session and my intuition about her was real, even better! Nicki`s approach is gentle, with compassion, real help, she never leaves a wound open, she always takes time to guide you through your fears, troubles, issues and makes your heart swing. After each meeting I feel shifts and relaxation, and courage to go further and deeper. Nicki is a very kind, beautiful soul and I am so thankful for all her help. ❤" - Aneta, Iceland
"I’ve been struggling with Trichotillomania and Excoriation Disorder since I was just 11 years old, and have done everything in my power to stop it. Well, I thought I did. My mother suggested EFT training with her good friend, Nicki. I went in a little suspicious of tapping, wondering if it would actually work for me, considering it sounded a bit weird. After even just my first session I came out feeling calmed, relaxed, and understood, which felt fantastic. After multiple sessions, my urge to pull or pick depleted greatly, and now I am happy to announce that I have been pull/pick free for about a month thanks to Nicki Perkins!! I highly recommend EFT with Nicki for anyone struggling with body focused repetitive behaviors, or any other issue that feels like it will never be solved." - Madison, Oregon U.S.A.
"I dreamed of having my own health coaching practice for many years, but my limiting beliefs and negative self-talk prevented me from taking the step and quitting my job. I was trapped in a job that lead to nowhere and I knew I had to move on, but just could not find the courage to do it! It changed when I met Nicki. I only did three EFT sessions with her and although I did not make the change immediately, it opened my mind, changed my thoughts, and steered me in the right direction. I am happy to say that I finally opened my own coaching practice 2 months ago and that I honestly believe that Nicki and the EFT sessions played a vital role in this decision. Nicki is such a humble, honest person and doing the sessions were comfortable, easy, and very natural, even though it was all online with her in Italy and me in the USA. Her warm and friendly personality made me feel at ease and I looked forward to the next session! I never felt judged or insecure about anything we worked on and I appreciate her help so much. She is very professional, yet very warm and easy to talk to. Her sense of humor also made the sessions so much fun. Not only did I gain confidence in myself and my abilities, but I gained a great friend! I can not recommend Nicki and her wonderful EFT sessions enough! She is an absolute pleasure to work with." - Carlien, Ohio U.S.A.
"I am Sabine, age 66 and originally from Holland but I have also the Italian nationality. We did the sessions online since I live in Rome and Nicki lives in Milan. We spoke in English because I can express myself better in that language. I enjoyed working with Nicki a lot, first I did one session to see if I wanted to continue and at the moment I have done 5 sessions so far, and there will follow a few more.....I had other experiences with EFT practitioners but what makes the difference is that Nicki goes very deep and she discovers always new layers of the issue you started with. Furthermore she does not judge you and tries to use only words that you use yourself to describe the problem, there are no dogmas and there is no sign of pushing you in a certain direction or interpreting things in her way. So I would say very professional! Also she uses her intuition to decide how many tapping rounds she wants to work with on one issue, this means that she can go deeper than yourself....when you think you finished, she will continue until she has the feeling that we tapped to the core! Nicki works very gently but to the point, with kindness and compassion. She helped me a lot, especially with my fears......fear for my disease (I have a kidney failure), fear for my dialysis, fear for something unknown to me that we uncovered while doing the tapping and also with releasing a lifelong bond with my mentally ill sister. Every time I definitely feel the results, initially it might be by releasing a deep sadness with lots of tears, but that is followed mostly in feeling sometimes more free, sometimes more relaxed and sometimes lighter. So yes, Nicki is highly recommended and, trust me, she is worth working with!" - Sabine, Rome Italy
"I loved working with Nicki! She is such a beautiful and kind soul and I felt straight away at ease with her. I felt a big shift after the first session and that night slept like a baby for the first time in ages! I definitely recommend her....she has changed my life!" - Grace, Texas U.S.A.
"I was suffering from childhood issues, which were presenting themselves in my adult years as overwhelm and anxiety. I honestly don't remember ever not feeling anxious! After working with Nicki I feel like a new me, a better me!! I'm even losing weight and we didn't even work on that! One of the many side effects of the work we did. I can't praise Nicki more....I don't know how she does it but she seems to know the right questions to ask. Not only is she an EFT expert, she's also a lovely person to work with AND she has that AMAZING British accent!! Definitely recommended!" - Sheila, New York U.S.A.
For more information on sessions, packages and prices, send me an e-mail here.
Join me in one of my private Tapping Groups, or work with me 1-1 to discover & bring out The Brand New You!