Whilst it shouldn't be thought of as a 'cure all', it does work on energy blocks, it can release traumatic or supressed memories and can change limited beliefs we have about ourselves and the world.
Mind-body Connection
Maybe you're feeling stressed and anxious, stuck in a rut, in a bad relationship, a job that no longer stimulates you, perhaps you're experiencing money issues or negative beliefs about yourself, but you aren't able to pull yourself out of that downward spiral. The body of research on EFT is steadily growing and more and more studies are showing that EFT may provide relief from a variety of problems, such as chronic pain, emotional disorders, skin disorders such asrosaceaand vitiligo, trichotillomania, excoriation disorder, fears and phobias, addictions, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), chronic fatigue syndrome and a wide range of self-sabotaging behaviour patterns, including procrastination and food cravings and emotional eating. Tapping may also work on the positive, by enhancing performance and motivation, which is key for successful lifestyle changes.
By lowering stress levels and relaxing more we also experience a drop in cortisol, which is considered to be the main ageing and weight-gaining hormone, and by reducing the fight-or-flight response we are effectively also reducing the amount of blood glucose that our liver dumps into our blood. That glucose response is to fuel us for ‘fight-or-flight’, and if not used by physical exertion it is stored as fat, usually around the waist. EFT is not a panacea though, and should not be used instead of medical treatment, it can however be used alongside conventional treatment.
Are you having difficulty manifesting your dreams? Has it ever occurred to you that it might be your subconscious beliefs that are getting in the way? Beliefs carry a frequency and The Law of Attraction states that you receive what vibrates with your own vibrational frequency. But what if the frequency you're emitting is not the one from your conscious thoughts, but actually comes from your subconscious? What if that annoying little voice (the one that constantly reminds you of all the reasons why something WON'T go the way you would like) is sending out the frequency? What if instead of sending out a vibrational frequency of abundance you are actually emitting one of lack (because that's what you're feeling)? Since about 90-95% of our thoughts come from the subconscious, we might want to work on clearing that up in order to get the right signal out...
Weight loss & motivation
Having a background in nutrition and natural health, I am fully aware of the importance of the food choices that we make daily and the impact they can and often do have on our health. Yet it isn’t always enough. We need the ‘whole package’ so to speak: good nutrition, regular exercise and above all, a peaceful and quiet mind. We have all heard of the term 'emotional eating', but how can we put the brakes on it and stick to a health-promoting diet and lifestyle? Why are we motivated one minute and diving into the fridge for cake the next? Something as simple and pain-free such as tapping might be the answer. All too often I see people who know what they should be eating but simply can't follow through a week or month without caving into food cravings, or eating irregularly. WHY IS THIS?
Sometimes we eat not just to fill our stomachs, but to fill a void in our lives or to numb an emotion.
I believe that EFT is an essential aid when we are contemplating or making lifestyle changes.